While, INZ makes it compulsory to use an IAA Licensed Adviser (LIA) for all non-student visa applications, there are still many advantages to using a Licensed Adviser for all applications. Here are the top 5 benefits I’ve outlined for your review –
- A LIA adheres to a Code of Conduct and has to be exteremly professional in their dealings. Student agents are more unregulated and they do not have any code of conduct guiding them which also means there are no specific quality standards you can trust easily.
- You will get holistic, well rounded information about colleges, course selection and long term prospects. A LIA has in-depth knowledge of what courses will lead to residence hence s/he can advise you better for course selection to meet your long term goals. Once you have selected an unsuitable course you are stuck with it forever. You may end up not getting your permanent residence and may have to leave New Zealand after your course.
- From day one if you approach a LIA s/he can advise you all the way till your residence is through and complete. You build a relationship with them, they know your story and can assist your spouse, your family and other dependents.
- An unlicensed agent may not be able advise you in regards to your previous immigration history whcih may lead to a decline of your visa wasting your time and money.
- Several unlicensed agents lodge applications in the applicant’s name which may lead to a Character decline of the spouse case.